The mission of Out of the box seminars
is to disseminate new, sometimes unbelievable ideas from all scientific disciplines that can inspire the whole academic community! Which also means speakers will not only explain ideas to their peers, but to a wider audience.
After a few month break Out of the box seminars have restarted. The mission remained, but we’ve gone a bit more zen (= less is more). Meaning that the seminars are content before form. They can be ideas before implementation, or even a thought before the word, uncovering of the not yet known, out of the box and out of convention. In 2015, at the 40th anniversary of the University of Maribor we are reviving Out of the box seminars as the very elementary way of expessing fresh flashes, bold ideas, concepts, cognitions, the not yet recognized.
Here you will find the basic info about events. There will be no more recordings, tweets, or fb. If you come, perfect! if not, you have missed it. The seminars from previous years (2010-2014) will, however, remain in their rich form for retrieving (at this point we sincerely thank the old OBS team for their extraordinary work!)
Because of the break there are only four seminars in this academic year, but these are good! Correction: three, because one had to be postponed due to some unexpected issues. But the final one is going to happen:
23. June 2015, last Tuesday in June at 5 PM, at Podrecca hall, University of Maribor:
What we can learn from a pendulum for pushing medical progress
with Prof. dr. Hermann Scharfetter.
Lep pozdrav | Best regards,
vaša | your’s OBS ekipa | team