| 17:00
| Velika dvorana UM
Women, Crime and Criminal Justice
Loraine Gelsthorpe | Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge
| pravo
- Should women be treated in the same way as men in the criminal justice system?
- What is the case for treating women differently from men?
In this seminar I will challenge some of the myths, muddles and misconceptions which have shadowed ideas about female offenders and their treatment. I will also examine whether or not there is a case for dealing with women differently from men in sentencing and criminal justice. Have women been treated more harshly or more leniently than men? Is there a special case for suggesting that women deserve a distinctive sort of treatment compared to men? Does this mean sentencing women differently? And in this context does ‘equality = difference’?
Loraine Gelsthorpe

Loraine Gelsthorpe, BA (Hons), M.Phil. (Cantab), Ph.D. (Cantab) was appointed as a University Lecturer at the University of Cambridge in January 1994. She was awarded a personal chair in 2010. Loraine became President of the British Society of Criminology in July 2011. Professor Gelsthorpe’s research interests have included inter-agency dimensions of criminal justice and crime prevention practice (with three Home Office publications on this theme in 1994), race and gender issues in sentencing, and youth justice policy since 1945 in particular. Importantly, she has also carried out research on the detention of asylum seekers (with Leanne Weber, Nuffield funded research) and has recently completed research on the criminalisation of migrant workers (with Liz Hales, ESRC funded research).