Thinking like an Inventor 2.0
Richard in Joseph Fuisz
Please join us at another amazing Fuisz lecture. The two Fuisz’s, father and son, promise again to be entertaining and enlightening. Lecture Topics • Learning to Invent • Be a Commercial Inventor • Innovation - Patenting Relationship • Patents Systems in the US and Europe and their Purpose • Monetizing Patents • Case Studies
Richard in Joseph Fuisz

Richard C. Fuisz, M.D., a named inventor on 115 US patents relating to drug delivery and pharmaceutical dosage forms, e-commerce systems, e-mail and other fields; Joseph Fuisz, Esq., a named inventor on 28 US patents relating to drug delivery and software. Mr. Fuisz is an attorney and graduate of Yale and the Columbia Law School.
Richard in Joseph Fuisz sta ameriška izumitelja prekmurskega rodu. Dr. Richard Fuisz, zdravnik in poslovnež, je uradno priznan izumitelj vsaj 115 patentov v ZDA ter več kot 200 patentov v svetovnem merilu – s področij, kot so tablete, doziranje zdravil, elektronsko poslovanje in elektronska pošta. Njegov sin Joseph Fuisz, pravnik in poslovnež, je uradno priznan izumitelj 28 patentov v ZDA – s področja zdravil in programske opreme.