Vision Slovenia - 10 years after
Fedor Černe
In December 2003, the project vision Slovenia has been finished. The idea for the project came from a OECD panel discussion on open governance May 2002 in Ljubljana. It was the period just before joining the European Union. The idea of the project was to find an answer to meet the challenges of EU membership. What is the key competitive advantage that Slovenia will seek to promote as the member of the EU?
Many initiatives have been received to bring the Vision in one or another form in front of the public. Basic elements of the Vision Slovenia will be presented - the content and the process. Most of the time will be devoted to the potential of the document. Is the Vision of one of the unused enforcement mechanisms of the principles of sustainable development into the practice of development planning? The last part of the presentation will be left to the participants with an invitation to answer the question whether it is time to forget the Vision and leave it to the history or to make it alive and find ways on how to implement it.
Fedor Černe

He is also the author and editor of numerous reports, papers and other publications on various aspects of environmental management and sustainable development.