From Open Innovation towards Open Democracy
Andreja Kodrin | Third Millennium Knowledge Lab, TMK Lab d.o.o.
The world today is being confronted with powerful mega trends and intensifying sustainability challenges that inexorably shape our present and determine our future. Youth unemployment is reaching new peaks every month, CO2 emissions are the highest in history, fresh water shortage is expected to hit 40% by 2030.
The UN’s Millennium Development Goals give a good summary of most of the major challenges facing the world today, but what we are short of ways to actually trigger and sustain sufficient levels of action to make change happen in a timely manner. In such circumstances only global collaboration and joint actions can lead us to create successful responses.
For the first time in human history we have a great tool, one of the most powerful innovations of all times, that connects us on the global scale - the Internet. The power of on-line collaboration and dialogue is the core of the Challenge:future, an initiative and platform established in 2009 to use a small part of students’ time who spend years in classrooms, in order to solve hundreds of real problems while gaining skills and experiences. The mission is »There is no them, only us«.
Andreja Kodrin

V sodelovanju s profesorjem s Harvarda, Robertom S. Kaplanom, je posebno pozornost na področju raziskav namenila strateškemu managementu, ter leta 2005 prejela visoko mednarodno priznanje BSC Hall of Fame. Vzporedno je leta 1990 začela poslovno pot z ustanovitvijo lastnega podjetja, ki posluje še danes, nadaljevala kot projektna svetovalka za ekonomiko in financiranje v Smelt International, kot vodja projektov za investicijsko bančništvo v podjetju Aktiva MAI, finančna direktorica podjetja Aktiva Group, ter kot članica uprave Aktiva Holdings, Nizozemska. Trenutno je direktorica podjetja Third Millennium Knowledge ter predsednica in ustanoviteljica Challenge:Future. Andreja je in še deluje v številnih podjetjih, skladih rizičnega kapitala, pokojninski družbi in nevladnih organizacijah v Sloveniji, Srbiji, na Nizozemskem, Švici, Luksemburgu in ZDA.