| 17:00
| Živa dvorišča, Orožnova 7, Maribor
In the concrete art of concrete
Davorin Kralj
| kemija
Lightweight aggregates concrete (LWAC) has its roots in the ancient period cca. 3000 years before
the Christian Era. Today, lightweight aggregates are available in a wide range of density, strenghts,
and sizes. The basic advantage of LWAC is its low density, which reduces the dead load and
provides insulating properties. Along with this, it is easy to handle, so heavy duty tools are not
Consisting of the three main components – cement, water, and aggregate, concrete has an important influence on its natural surroundings. With a purpose of saving nature, solutions considering sustainability are being looked for.
Davorin Kralj

Ass.Prof. ddr. Davorin Kralj completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (1987) and post-graduate study at University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, in the area of Integral Quality Management (1991). He did his post-graduate master study programme Management and Organization – MBA at Faculty for Economics and Business in Maribor (2008). He holds a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Maribor (reached in 2009), and has recently received his doctorate in Economics from the University of Ljubljana (2012).
His main teaching and research areas include organizational sciences, innovation of management, environmental and quality management, and sustainable development. He has authored or co-authored various scientific papers and environmental patents. He has published 280 bibliographical units nationally and internationally, has been awarded numerous certficates and awards, and, in 2008, has been distinguished with the silver award during the China Assocation of Invetions and IFIA International Federation of Inventors' Associations. During the International Jury of IENA 2008 he has been awarded the silver award, and award of the Best Eco Inventor during the WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization in Slovenj Gradec, Geneva.
His main teaching and research areas include organizational sciences, innovation of management, environmental and quality management, and sustainable development. He has authored or co-authored various scientific papers and environmental patents. He has published 280 bibliographical units nationally and internationally, has been awarded numerous certficates and awards, and, in 2008, has been distinguished with the silver award during the China Assocation of Invetions and IFIA International Federation of Inventors' Associations. During the International Jury of IENA 2008 he has been awarded the silver award, and award of the Best Eco Inventor during the WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization in Slovenj Gradec, Geneva.